Registered office address


A registered office address is the company's official address recorded in the Commercial and Trade Register, used for communication with authorities. If an entrepreneur doesn't have their own premises, they can use a virtual registered office as a practical and accessible solution. All properties in Prague where we provide registered office services are owned by us.

As the largest provider of registered office services in Slovakia, we also handle all your mail in the Czech Republic, so you can continue doing what you love without interruption. You'll receive information about delivered mail instantly via SMS or our app after our registered office staff accepts it.

Through our online application for mail management, you can sort your mail, have it scanned, or have it forwarded to your address within 48 hours. Thanks to these advantages of a registered office for self-employed individuals or a registered office for companies, doing business is easier than ever before.

We take care of all administrative agenda, freeing up your time to develop your business. As of September 20, 2024, more than 14 thousand customers were satisfied with our registered office services for companies and self-employed individuals. Join them and make your business easier today.

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